Relationship Marketing and More

Relationship Marketing and More


Interesting books and articles about Relationship Marketing

I have tried to collect in this post some interesting books and articles related with Relationship Marketing and B2B.
I hope you will find useful the list and please feel free to complete it with additional sources of respective information.
1.     ANDERSON, J.C. and WEITZ, B.A.,  (1989), “Determinants of Continuity in Conventional Industrial Channel Dyads”, Marketing Science, Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 310-323
2.     ANDERSON, J.C. and NARUS, J.A., (1991), “Partnering as a Focused Market Strategy”, California Management Review
3.     BARNES, J., (1994), “Close to the Customer But Is It Really a Relationship?”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 10, No. 6, p. 561-570
4.     BARWISE, P., (1995), “Marketing Today and Tomorrow”, Business Strategy Review, Spring, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 45-59
5.     BEJOU, D., ENNEW, C.T. and PALMER, A., (1998), “Trust, Ethics and Relationship Satisfaction”, International Journal of Bank marketing, 16/4, p. 170-175, MCB University Press
6.     BERRY, L.L., (2001), “The Old Pillars of New Retailing”, Harvard Business Review on Customer Relationship Management
7.     BLOIS, J. K., (1999), “Trust in Business to Business Relationships: An Evaluation of Its Status”, Journal of Management Studies 36:2 March
8.     BRIERLEY, H.M., (1994), “The Art of Relationship Management”, Direct Marketing, May, v. 57, n. 1, p. 25(2) and Sept., v. 57, n. 5, p. 22(3)
9.     BORDEN, N.H., (1965), “The Concept of the Marketing Mix”, Journal of Advertising Research, p. 2-7, June
10. CANNIE, J.K. and CAPLIN, D., (1991), “Keeping Customers for Life”, American Management Association
11. CHRISTOPHER, M., PAYNE, A. and BALLANTYNE, D., (1991), “Relationship Marketing”, Butterworth Heinemann
12. CHRISTOPHER, M., PAYNE, A. and BALLANTYNE, D., (1994), “Relationship Marketing”, Butterworth Heinemann
13. CLARKE-HILL, C., ROBINSON, T. and CLARKSON C., (1999), “Service Strategy in Commodity Chemicals markets to hierarchies: escaping the commodity trap”, International Journal of Customer Relationship Management, v2, i3, p. 243(15)
14. CLARKSON, R.M., CLARKE-HILL, C. and ROBINSON, T., (1997), “Towards a General Framework for Relationship Marketing: A Literature Review”, Marketing Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University
15. COWLES, D.L., (1996), “The Role of Trust in Customer Relationships: Asking the Right Questions”, Asia-Australia Marketing Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1
16. CRAM, T., (1995), “The Power of Relationship Marketing”, FT/Pitman
17. CROSS, R., and SMITH, J., (1996), “Towards a Responsible Customer-Focused Marketing Framework”, Direct Marketing, Vol. 57, Issue 11, p. 26(3)
18. DICK, A.S. and BASU, K., (1994), “Customer Loyalty: Towards an Integrated Conceptual Framework”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 22, No. 2, p. 99-113
19. DOMINGUES, L.V. and ZINN, W., (1994), “International Supplier Characteristics Associated With Successful Long-Term Buyer/Seller Relationships”, Journal of Business Logistics, vol. 15, no. 2
20. DOYLE, P., (1995), “Marketing in the New Millenium”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 29, No. 13, p. 23-41
21. DWYER, F.R.,, SCHURR, P.H. and OH, S., (1987), “Developing Buyer and Seller Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, April, p. 11-27
22.  FISHER, C., (2004), “Researching and Writing A Dissertation for Business Students”, FT Prentice Hall – Pearson Education Ltd.
23. FORD, D., (2001), “The Development of Buyer-Seller Relationships in Industrial Markets”, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 14, no. 5
24. FOREMAN, S., (1997), “Developing Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationships”, Henley Online Databases – Manager Update (Marketing) Autumn 1997
25. FOURNIER, S., DOBSCHA, S. and MICK, G., (1998), “Preventing the Premature Death of Relationship Marketing”, Harvard Business Review on Customer Relationship Management
26. FREDERICKS, J.D. and SALTER II, J.M., (1995), “Beyond Customer Satisfaction”, Management Review, May, American Management Association, p. 29-32
27. FRIMAN, M., GAERLING, T., MILLET, B., MATTSSON J. and JOHNSTON, R., (2002), “An Analysis of International Business-to-Business Relationships based on the Commitment-Trust Theory”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 31, issue 5, p. 403-409, August 2002
28. GANESAN, S., (1993), “Negotiation Strategies and the Nature of Channel Relationships”, Journal of Marketing Research, vol. XXX, May, p. 183-203
29. GANESAN, S., (1994), “Determinants of Long-term Orientation in Buyer-Seller Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 58, April, p. 1-19
30. GIFFIN, K., (1967), “The Contribution of Studies of Source Credibility to a Theory of Interpersonal Trust in the Communication Process”, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 68, p. 104-120
31. GRŐNROOS, C., (1990), “Service Management and Marketing”, McGraw Hill Inc., New York
32. GRŐNROOS, C., (1992), “Quo Vadis Marketing? Towards a Neo-Classical Marketing Theory”, Blomqvist, H.C., Grönroos, C. and Lindqvist, L.J. (Eds), Economics and Marketing Essays in Honour of Gösta Mickwitz, Economy and Society, No. 48, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsingfors, Finland, p. 109-124
33. GRŐNROOS, C., (1994), “From Marketing Mix to Relationship Marketing: Towards a Paradigm Shift in Marketing”, Management Decision, Vol. 32, No. 2, p. 4-20, MCB University Press Ltd.
34. GRŐNROOS, C., (1995), “Relationship Marketing: The Strategy Continuum”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 13, No. 5, p. 407-419
35. GUENZI, P., (2002), “Sales Force Activities and Customer Trust”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 18, p. 749-778
36. GUMMESSON, E., (1996), “Relationship Marketing: From 4P’s to 30 R’s”, Preliminary translation from the English adaptation of Relationsmarknadsföring: Från 4P till 30R, Malmö: Liber-Hermods, first published in Swedish in June 1995
37. GUMMESSON, E., (2002), “Relationship Marketing in the New Economy”, Journal of Relationship Marketing, Vol. 1 (1)
38. HART, S., (1987), “The Use of the Survey in Industrial Market Research”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 25-38
39. HART, W. CHRISTOPHER and JOHNSON, D. MICHAEL, (1999), “A Framework for Developing Trust Relationships”, Marketing Management Spring 1999
40. HAWES, J., (1994), “To Know Me is to Trust Me”, Industrial Marketing Management, Jul., vol. 23, Iss. 3, p. 215-245
41. HAWES, J., MAST, K.E. and SWAN, J.E., (1989), “Trust Earning Perceptions of Sellers and Buyers”, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
42. HAYES, H.M. and HARTLEY, S.W., (1989), “How Buyers View Industrial Sales People”, Industrial Marketing Management, May, p. 77-80
43. HUNT, S.D. and MORGAN, R.M., (1994), “Relationship Marketing in the Era of Network Competition”, Marketing Management, Vol. 5, No. 5, p. 18-28
44. INNIS, D.E. and LA LONDE, B.J., (1994), “Customer Service: The Key to Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Market Share”, Journal of Business Logistics, vol. 15, no. 1
45. JACKSON, B.B., (1985), “Build Customer Relationships That Last”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 63, Nov.-Dec., p. 120-128
46. JACKSON, B.B., (1985), “Winning and Keeping Industrial Customers”, Lexington Books, Lexington KY
47. KAPLAN, R.S. and NORTON, D.P., (1992), “The Balanced Scorecard Measures That Drive Performance”, Harvard Business Review, Jan.-Feb., p. 75-85
48. KOTLER, P., (1992), “Marketing’s New Paradigm: What’s Really Happening Out There”, Planning Review (Conference Special Issue), Sept.-Oct., v. 20, n. 5, p. 50(3)
49. KOTLER, P., (1992), “Total Marketing”, Business Week Advance, Executive Brief, Vol. 2
50. KOTLER, P., (1999), “Philip Kotler on Marketing”, New York, Free Press
51. KOTLER, P., (2003), “Marketing Insights from A to Z – 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, p. 49-51, p. 151-154, p. 167-168
52. KOTLER, P., (2003), “Marketing Management”, Eleventh Edition, Pearson Education International - Prentice Hall International Editions
53. LEVITT, T., (1980), “Marketing Success through Differentiation of Anything”, Harvard Business Review, p. 83-91, January-February 1980
54. McCUNE, C. J., (1998), “Tough Sell: Commodity Products”, Management Review November 1998
55. McKENNA, R., (1991), “Marketing Is Everything”, Harvard Business Review, Jan.-Feb.
56. McKENNA, R., (1997), “Real Time: Preparing for the Age of the Never Satisfied Customer”, Harvard Business School Press
57. McMAHON-BEATTIE, U., YEOMAN, I., PALMER, A. and MUDIE, P., (2002), “Customer Perceptions of Pricing and the Maintenance of Trust”, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 25-34
58. MICHAELS, R.E. and DAY, R.L., (1985), “Measuring Customer Orientation of Sales People: A Replication With Industrial Buyers”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 22, Nov., p. 443-446
59. MILLMAN, A.F., (1993), “The Emerging Concept of Relationship Marketing”, Proceedings of the 9th Annual IMP Conference, Bath, September 23-25th
60. MORGAN, R.D., and HUNT, S.D., (1994), “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 58, p. 20-38
61. MUTHURAMAN, B., SEN, A., GUPTA, P., SESHADRI, DVR and NARUS, A. J., (2006), “Understanding the Process of Transitioning to Customer Value Management”, Vikalpa, Vol. 31, No. 2, April-June 2006
62. NOVICH, N.S., (1990), “Leading-Edge Distribution Strategies”, The Journal of Business Strategy, Nov.-Dec.
63. PALLANT, J., (2001), “SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows (Versions 10 and 11)”, Open University Press, Maidenhead Philadelphia
64. PECK, H., (1996), “Towards a Framework for Relationship Marketing – The Six Markets Revisited and Revised”, Marketing Education Group Conference (MEG), University of Strachlyde, 8-12th July
65. PEPPERS, D. and ROGERS, M., (1993), “The One to One Future: Building Relationships on Customer at a Time”, New York, Currency / Doubleday
66. PEPPERS, D. and ROGERS, M., (1995), “A New Marketing: Share of Customer, Not Market Share”, Planning Review, v. 23, n. 2, p. 14(5)
67. PEPPERS, D. and ROGERS, M., (2001), “One to One B2B”, New York, Doubleday Broadway Books
68. PEPPERS, D. and ROGERS, M., (2004), “Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
69. PINE II, J.B., (1993), “Mass Customizing Products and Services”, Planning Review, Jul.-Aug., v. 22, n. 4, p. 6(9)
70. PINE II, J.B., PEPPERS, D. And ROGERS, M., (1995), “Do you want to keep your customers for ever?”, Harvard Business Review, March-April 1995
71. PORTER, M.E., (1980), “Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors”, The Free Press, NY
72. PRAHALAD, C.K. and RAMASWAMY, V., (2000), “Co-opting Customer Competence”, Harvard Business Review on Customer Relationship Management
73. REICHELD, F. and SASSER, W. E. Jr., (1990), “Zero Defections: Quality Comes to Services”, Harvard Business Review 73, p. 59-75, Sept.-Oct. 1990
74. REICHELD, F., (1993), “Loyalty Based Management”, Harvard Business Review, March/April, p. 64-73
75. REICHELD, F., (1994), “Loyalty and the Renaissance of Marketing”, Marketing Management, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 10-21
76. REICHELD, F., (1996), “The Loyalty Effect”, Harvard Business School Press
77. RINEHART, L.M. and PAGE, T. J. Jr., (1992), “The Development and Test of a Model of Transaction Negotiation”, Journal of Marketing, vol. 56, p. 18-32
78. ROBINSON, T., CLARKE-HILL, C.M. and CLARKSON, R., (2002), “Differentiation through Service: A Perspective from the Commodity Chemical Sector”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3, p. 149-166 July 2002
79. RUEKERT, R.W. and CHURCHILL, G. A. Jr., (1984), “Reliability and Validity of Alternative Measures of Channel Member Satisfaction”, Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 21, p. 226-233
80. RUST, R., ZEITHAML, V. and LEMON, K., (2000), “How Customer Lifetime Value is Reshaping Corporate Strategy”, New York, The Free Press
81. RUST, R., ZEITHAML, V. and LEMON, K., (2004), “Return on Marketing: Using Customer Equity to Focus Marketing Strategy”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 68, Iss. 1, p. 109-127, January 2004
82. SALMON, D. and SPEKMAN, R.E., (1986), “Collaboration as A Mode of Managing Long-Term Buyer-Seller Relationships”, in SHIMP, T. et als (eds), AMA Educators Conference Proceedings (Chicago, IL, AMA), p. 205-211
83. SAUNDERS, M., LEWIS, P. and THORNHILL, A., (2003), “Employee Relations: Understanding the Employment Relationship”, FT Prentice Hall – Pearson Education Ltd.
84. SELNES, F., (1993), “An Examination of the Effect of Product Performance on Brand Reputation, Satisfaction and Loyalty”, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 27, no. 9, p. 19-35
85. SETH, N., (2001), “If they are satisfied why are they leaving”, Gartner Group, March 23, 2001
86. SEWELL, C. and BROWN, P.B., (1990), “Customers for Life: How to Turn That One-Time Buyer into a Lifetime Customer”, New York, Doubleday
87. SEYBOLD, P.B., (2001), “Get Inside the Lives of Your Customers”, Harvard Business Review on Customer Relationship Management
88. SPEKMAN, R.E., (1988), “Strategic Supplier Selecting, Understanding Long-Term Buyer Relationships”, Business Horizons, vol. 31, p. 75-81, Jul.-Aug.
89. STERLING, J.U. and LAMBERT, D.M., (1986), “Establishing Customer Service Strategies within The Marketing Mix”, Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 8, No. 1
90. STORBACKA, K., STRANDVICK, T. and GRŐNROOS, C., (1994), “Managing Customer Relationships for Profit”, International Journal of Service
91. STORBACKA, K., (1997), “Segmentation Based on Customer Profitability – Restrospective Analysis of Retail Bank Customer Bases”, Journal of Marketing Management, v. 13, p. 479-492
92. SWAN, J.E., TRAWICK, I.F. and SILVA, D., (1985), “How Industrial Sales People Gain Customer Trust”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 14, Aug., p. 203-211
93. TREACY, M. and WIERSEMA, F., (1993), “ Three Paths to Market Leadership: Customer Intimacy and Other Value Disciplines”, Harvard Business Review, January-February
94. TROUT, J. and RIVKIN, S., (2000), “Differentiate or Die: Survival in Our Era”, New York, John Wiley & Sons
95. ULAGA, W. and EGGERT, A., (2006), “Value-Based Differentiation in Business Relationships: Gaining and Sustaining Key Supplier Status”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 70, p. 119-136, January 2006
96.  UNGER, L., (1983), “Strategic Planning for Commodities and Specialities”, Long Range Planning, Vol. 16, No. 4, p. 12-20
97. WATSON, T.J., (1994), “Managing, Crafting and Researching: Words, Skills and Imagination in Shaping Management Research”, British Journal of Management, Vol. 5 (special issue), p. 77-87
98.  WEI, J., RUSSEL, T.W.F. and SWARTZLANDER, M.W., (1979), “The Structure of the Chemical Processing Industries”, McGraw Hill, New York
99. YOUNG, L.C. and WILKINSON, I.F., (1989), “The Role of Trust and Co-operation in Marketing Channels: A Preliminary Study”, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 23, no. 2, p. 109-122

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